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argrom le boucher
argrom le boucher

Messages : 1278
Date d'inscription : 26/01/2010
Age : 48
Localisation : St-Denis-Bovesses (Belgique)

MessageSujet: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeMar 06 Nov 2018, 16:57

Les créateurs de Test of Honours, vont bientôt sortir un nouveau jeu sur le même mécanisme u jeu de test of honour. Mais ce dernier ce déroulera durant la Grèce Antique.

Voici un exemple des cartes:
MORTAL GODS 43951610

voici quelques photos venant du groupe facebook sur ceux qui testent le jeu.

MORTAL GODS 43049710

MORTAL GODS 43117110

MORTAL GODS 44945110

Je compte tester cette règle, donc j'ai commandé chez Sarissa deux set de plateaux de mouvement pour me faire deux bandes.

Les deux sets

Un des deux sets ouvert
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Messages : 544
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2014
Age : 36
Localisation : Nalinnes

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeMar 06 Nov 2018, 17:54

Wow punaise, c’est exactement le genre de jeu que j’attendais dans cette période ! Ca promet !
On sait quand est prévue la sortie ?
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argrom le boucher
argrom le boucher

Messages : 1278
Date d'inscription : 26/01/2010
Age : 48
Localisation : St-Denis-Bovesses (Belgique)

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeMar 06 Nov 2018, 18:00

apzer a écrit:
Wow punaise, c’est exactement le genre de jeu que j’attendais dans cette période ! Ca promet !
On sait quand est prévue la sortie ?
normalement prévu début 2019 chez War Banner (ceux qui ont sorti le jeu Gangs of Rome)

Voici une faq dispo sur le groupe facebook:
Citation :
Jez Fairclough a partagé une publication.
Admin · 26 septembre
To help us not answer the same questions, we'll be compiling a list of the most asked questions in this announcement. As new items come up we'll update this thread.

Q: So what's the game about?

A: Mortal Gods is a new game from War Banner, the people behind Gangs of Rome, scheduled for release in early 2019.

Greece has proven her might and the forces of the vast Persian Empire have been repulsed. Each City-State believes it played a key part in the victory and this new found pride has brought about rivalry, greed, and conflict.

Generals and statesmen vie for power and wealth in the chaos, risking exile or execution while the boldest and ambitious gather to them their Hoplites, these veteran warriors, bronze-clad and trained in war, stand loyal to their Strategos’ city or ideals. The price of failure being exile or death.

In this age of strife and conflict, bold men may seize greatness and become as Mortal Gods!

Q: Is this a Historical Game?
A: This will be a historical game - Set after the Persian wars during the time of the classical city-states. So lots of Peloponnesian goodness. Also, scope to expand the periods.

Q: Will the game have Mythical Gods, Creatures in it?
A: The core game won't start out with those elements, though if enough interest is found a supplement can be added later.

Q: How many miniatures will I need?
A: Andy has put a battle report up which shows some sample forces from a recent game (https://www.facebook.com/groups/mortalgods/permalink/529701840812091/)

Q: How does the gameplay?
A: For those that have Played Test of Honour, Test of Courage uses a lot of the same ideas. Yet we have removed the Japanese aspect and filled it full of Greek stuff.

Q: What scale is the game?
A: Miniatures are 28mm.

Q: How are the models based?
A: Core units are based on 25mm bases, with heroes (Heroes, Apothecary, Seer) on 32mm bases. Units are formed in groups of 3's with Peltasts, Archers and Slingers being on round bases and Hoplites being on Triangle shaped bases. Cavalry will be absed on Lozenge type bases (Size TBD)

Q: Will there be a starter set?
A: Yes there will be we are working on the specifics of the set which will let people know about when finalised.

Q: When is the game due to be released?
A: We are working on elements for Gangs of Rome up to Christmas and from that point onwards its full-on Greek. So we are hoping for early 2019.

Q: Where can I download the rules?
A: At present, there aren't rules for people to download and try. But once there are we will let you know.

Q. Will it just be Greeks or other factions as well.
A. To start with yes, but we have plans to expand into the likes of Persians and the other Greek States.

Q. What miniatures can I use?
A. War Banner has commisioned a metal and resin range from the excellent sculptor Stavros Zouliatis, these have been purposely made to compliment the Victrix plastic range.
We also have a range of metal miniatures to release this side of Christmas, this range has been sculpted by Steve Saleh and is already very comprehensive.

et voici deux exemples de force :
Citation :
Example Force Lists•
I've been asked for examples of force lists so people can start painting, well here is the scenarios and forces we took last Tuesday. The scenario was by Matt Schreiber and proved to be a lot of fun. 🙂

Each hoplite group is three men on a triangle base, the archers, peltast and slingers are classed as skirmishes again in groups of three but on round bases.

Individual miniatures are based on 25mm rounds except for
leaders and heroes who are based on 32mm rounds.

•Desecration of Herma•
A 24pt scenario played this evening saw my Lochos try and prevent Steve's from destroying sacred statues.

Everything was going well until Steve's Leader charged my 'formed up' unit of Hoplites breaking them and pushing them back.

This gave him access to the final statue which he destroyed winning the encounter.

The scenario lasted five turns with the game lasting around an hour.

Lochos (1) - Steve Cumming
Armoured Lochagos (Leader)
Armoured Promochoi (Hero)

Vet Heavy Hoplites Group
Vet Heavy Hoplites Group
Vet Heavy Hoplites Group

Archer Group
Peltast Group

Lochos (2) - Andy Hobday
Lochagos (Leader)

Hoplites Group
Hoplites Group
Hoplites Group
Hoplites Group
Hoplites Group

Archer Group
Peltast Group
Slinger Group
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Messages : 544
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2014
Age : 36
Localisation : Nalinnes

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeMer 07 Nov 2018, 08:41

J'accroche totalement là, je suis impatiente d'en voir plus Very Happy je garde un oeil attentif là-dessus !
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argrom le boucher
argrom le boucher

Messages : 1278
Date d'inscription : 26/01/2010
Age : 48
Localisation : St-Denis-Bovesses (Belgique)

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeMer 07 Nov 2018, 09:24

apzer a écrit:
J'accroche totalement là, je suis impatiente d'en voir plus Very Happy je garde un oeil attentif là-dessus !

Si tu veux voici le lien facebook: Groupe FB Mortal Gods
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Mig Wanzer
Mig Wanzer

Messages : 9206
Date d'inscription : 01/03/2008
Age : 38
Localisation : Près de Liège, Belgique

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeMer 07 Nov 2018, 10:04

Moi qui m’étais juré de ne rien joué avant l’apparition de la poudre noire... aussi une version antique de Saga me parlait déjà bien !
L’équipe de gangs of Rome a produit une très bonne règle, ça risque d’être très bien.
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argrom le boucher
argrom le boucher

Messages : 1278
Date d'inscription : 26/01/2010
Age : 48
Localisation : St-Denis-Bovesses (Belgique)

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeMer 07 Nov 2018, 11:40

Mig Wanzer a écrit:
Moi qui m’étais juré de ne rien joué avant l’apparition de la poudre noire... aussi une version antique de Saga me parlait déjà bien !
L’équipe de gangs of Rome a produit une très bonne règle, ça risque d’être très bien.

D'après ce que j'ai compris, le jeu utilisera le moteur de jeu de test of Honour, en gros pour TOH on monte une troupe d'une valeur de 24pts avec des cartes, un seigneur, éventuellement un ou deux samourais max qui sont sur socle unique et des guerriers qui sont sur socle sur un plateau rond de 3 figs.

La différence avec Mortal God, c'est d'après ce j'ai vu c'est qu'il y a deux catégories de guerrier, je vais dire les lourds et les légers qui sont sur des plateaux triangulaires pour les lourds et rond pour les légers.

Un pdf devait être disponible si le groupe atteignait les 1000 membres, mais au moment de dire cela, le créateur à modifier les règles et doit encore le tester.
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argrom le boucher
argrom le boucher

Messages : 1278
Date d'inscription : 26/01/2010
Age : 48
Localisation : St-Denis-Bovesses (Belgique)

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeMar 20 Nov 2018, 08:52

Il y a eu un poste expliquant le système du jeu, je fais un copier/coller ici Wink

Citation :

Mortal Gods: Dice Mechanics and Basic Rules

Posted By: Phatis November 19, 2018

Hi everyone!

It’s a Monday; Do I really need to do introductions? What? No, I will not be more enthusiastic. …Ugh, fine whatever.

It’s Phatis, again. Yay, woo, etc…

I do have some exciting news, even if I hate having to deliver this on this dreadful day of the week. Of course it was created by the Romans. Hm? Oh, right the news.

I get to tell you all about the changes to Mortal Gods dice mechanics and some other big changes to the game since it was first announced a few months ago.

Initially you may recall the game was to utilize the mechanics from Test of Honor. However as the game developed, it seemed prudent to push it out from the shadows of its predecessor games. What the folks at War Banner have come up with is truly unique and exciting and, honestly, this is good stuff regardless of the day of the week. So let’s jump to it.

Recruiting a Lochos

The first step in building your Lochos is figuring out how big of a game you want to play. Recruiting is still points-based, though the values have increased for each recruitment card to give you, the player, a greater range of soldiers as Mortal Gods grows. However, to make each Lochos feel more unique and characterful, the recruitment process also has a structure based on the heroes you take.

MORTAL GODS Andy-featured
Note: The cards being used here are using dated values and aren’t accurate.

You can have one character/hero for every 100 points of troops (always rounded up; so 98 pts = 100 pts for this purpose), with the first being your Lochos leader or Lochagos.  Depending on the Lochagos you field (as well as other character selections) you may be allowed to take certain troops that you couldn’t otherwise. For example, a Person adviser will bring Persians with them, (Spartans under most circumstances) will not fight alongside Athenians. To be clear, Athenians will likely not be fighting with Spartans either (it’s a point of pride).

Also, different City states have particular troop types available only to them such as the Athenian Heavy Archers and Athenian Marines from their mighty navy. Spartan Lochagoi cannot take these forces.

Recruitment comes down to how you spend your points; you are not limited to only spending them on characters, heroes, and warriors. To augment your Lochos you can select gifts (primarily for characters, though some will be for your soldiers), which will have a point cost and are considered when you are building your force.

The archons at War Banner have also changed most of the Stats for each warrior type. These are as follows:
◾Movement – The amount in inches a unit can move on the table.
◾Attacks – The number of dice a unit can roll when attacking.
◾Defence – The amount of dice a defending unit can roll.
◾Resistance – The amount of ‘Hit Points’ a unit has.
◾Courage – Value used when rolling Tests of Courage.
◾Actions – The amount of ‘actions’ a unit can take in a turn.

Now let’s look at how this all factors into a game.

Playing a Game

Keep in mind, these rules are tentatively set, and thus I cannot go into a great deal of detail. They threatened to take away my coffee machine if I say too much (the buggers). Nevertheless, I can get you started until the release of the official rules becomes available.

First is the draw mechanism. This will stay similar to Test of Honor but will have three Omen counters instead of Events. When the third Omen counter is drawn, the round is ended.

The other activation counters will be for ‘Characters’ and ‘Soldiers’ who collectively will be known as ‘Warriors of the Lochos’. You can activate the troop type you have drawn or use your Lochagos to order his troops using his actions.

Additionally, the Mortal Gods dice now have three sides dedicated to hits which are indicated by swords (2 swords, 1 sword, & 1 sword respectively). Two sides are dedicated to defence, indicated by a shield (1 shield & 1 shield respectively).  The final side is a wild card and is indicated by the Winged Pegasus from the Mortal Gods logo. Wild cards are interesting and we will explore them below in a bit more detail.

Let’s say you drew a token and you wish to activate your Lochagos, and let’s say that Lochagos has two unused actions for the turn. And let’s say instead of moving you want to attack! Ha! Always a wise decision, if you ask me.

To make an attack (depending on the unit, either by Shooting or engaging in Melee), you roll as many dice as the attack value. So if your Lochagos has an Attack Value of 4 (as an example), then you would roll four dice (or in my case, lose my grip of them and chaotically flail as they drop to the floor).

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The defending player chooses whether or not the unit being attacked will Defend (this costs an Action Point).
◾If they decide to not to Defend, that unit must pass a Test of Courage. If they pass, then the defending unit will accept all hits against their units Resistance value (see below).
◾If they decide to Defend, then they would roll as many dice as Defense value.

Then both players subtract attackers hits from defenders defense dice. Let’s say that the Lochagos rolls three Swords (three attacks) and the defending unit rolls two Shields. Two attacks are considered ‘deflected’ or ‘ineffective’, but one attack strikes!

At this point, the attacker rolls again; these determine how badly the defender is hurt (if he is killed or wounded). So in our example, the Lochagos gets to roll one dice (because it was not blocked) and the value is pitted against the defending unit’s Resistance value.

If the amount rolled beats the Resistance value, the defending unit is dead and it is removed (if the unit is a group of three warriors on a group base, one miniature is removed from that group). If the dice value rolled is less than the Resistance value of the defending unit, than that unit takes a blood token (but nothing it removed).

MORTAL GODS 45833225_10156780531628134_1432257978446118912_n

Each blood token added to a unit drops the defenders Resistance value by one. So the players are encouraged to be mindful of how many hits your units are taking. Note though, that as your warriors take blood tokens, the only way for them to be removed is by your healer (if you have taken one) to use his healing skills!

Exceptions to the Rule, Rolling Criticals, Etc…

Now let’s say that your opponent (the defending unit) has a Resistance value of 3 and, when rolling to wound, you roll a 6: You rolled a Critical Hit! Critical rolls always occur when you roll double the Resistance Value listed on the defending unit’s character card.

Criticals are fantastic. They are resolved in this manner: (1) The defending unit is automatically killed (remove the single miniature or remove a single mini from a group base); (2) if attacking a group, that group (after a mini has been removed) is pushed back one inch.

In addition to this, a critical counts as a free action, so the attacking player can do a number of things; they can choose to move in any direction, or move into cover (both actions are within their full movement range), they can also choose to attack any unit in range. So unless you roll terribly all the time, criticals are a nice way to do a lot of damage, or keep a valuable character in cover out of harms way.

I also want to point out that we got rid of Fumbles! Yay!

Finally, any successful wounds from a ranged attack bounce the unit back an inch; this represents them stopping temporarily or being driven back by a good volley.

Wild Cards

Wild Cards are something special. They hold a neat little place in Mortal Gods; we can think of them as ‘Fates’ or destiny handing out a save when it is needed most. Wild Cards in a certain amount can activate a character skill, or a special attack on a gifted weapon.

They can also be used by different troop types in different ways.  Experienced Hoplites, for example, can use any Wild Cards rolled during an attack roll as hits, while Heavy Armored warriors can count Wild Cards as Shields when defending.

Concluding Thoughts

Mind you that this blog serves as a taste of the larger core rules when the game is released. But at least this will give you some basic ideas of the unique and fun mechanics that this game will employ!


Overall, I am most excited about the Wild Cards and how they are going to be used. Undoubtedly we will get some rather unique options with them!

The way combat plays out is meant to make the game fast-paced and enjoyable, without being bogged down in any complicated way.

I do believe that the current mechanics are a step ahead of the way they were previously, and it really brings Mortal Gods into its own as far as game-play is concerned. What do you all think?

Remember! Like, share, and subscribe to this blog! The more subscribers we get, the more coffee I get!
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Messages : 1087
Date d'inscription : 03/05/2016
Age : 60
Localisation : Liège Flémalle

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeMar 20 Nov 2018, 17:56

Jolis ,je crois bien que je craquerais aussi !!!
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argrom le boucher
argrom le boucher

Messages : 1278
Date d'inscription : 26/01/2010
Age : 48
Localisation : St-Denis-Bovesses (Belgique)

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeMer 21 Nov 2018, 08:54

buggy a écrit:
Jolis ,je crois bien que je craquerais aussi !!!
Je comptais déjà craqué What a Face

En lisant cela, il y a maintenant un fort changement par rapport à TOH, et je crois que ce changement pourras s'adapter pour TOH.

En tout cas, je comptes peindre quelques grecs supplémentaire Rolling Eyes
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Messages : 1087
Date d'inscription : 03/05/2016
Age : 60
Localisation : Liège Flémalle

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeMer 21 Nov 2018, 17:37

je vais attendre la sortie du jeu ,là j'ai encore quelques fig à peindre !
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Messages : 544
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2014
Age : 36
Localisation : Nalinnes

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeMer 21 Nov 2018, 19:26

Pareil mais début janvier je commencerai à me constituer une force Very Happy
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argrom le boucher
argrom le boucher

Messages : 1278
Date d'inscription : 26/01/2010
Age : 48
Localisation : St-Denis-Bovesses (Belgique)

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeDim 27 Jan 2019, 18:44

Les Préco du jeu sont disponible sur le site de Footsore: Mortal Gods la précommande c'est par ici

J'ai précommandé la boite de base ainsi que le supplément spartiate.
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argrom le boucher
argrom le boucher

Messages : 1278
Date d'inscription : 26/01/2010
Age : 48
Localisation : St-Denis-Bovesses (Belgique)

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeVen 29 Mar 2019, 08:07

Pour ceux qui ont précommandé des le début, les livraison sont en cours. J'attend le mien avec impatience.

Sinon voici une Unboxing de la boite de base:
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Messages : 1087
Date d'inscription : 03/05/2016
Age : 60
Localisation : Liège Flémalle

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeMar 02 Avr 2019, 18:38

La boite est dipo ? chez qui ?
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argrom le boucher
argrom le boucher

Messages : 1278
Date d'inscription : 26/01/2010
Age : 48
Localisation : St-Denis-Bovesses (Belgique)

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeMer 03 Avr 2019, 10:47

Dernière édition par argrom le boucher le Ven 18 Oct 2019, 13:45, édité 1 fois
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Messages : 1087
Date d'inscription : 03/05/2016
Age : 60
Localisation : Liège Flémalle

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeMer 03 Avr 2019, 21:26

Merci !
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Messages : 544
Date d'inscription : 02/11/2014
Age : 36
Localisation : Nalinnes

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeVen 05 Avr 2019, 11:12

Commandez chez Philibert, le prix est encore en version précommande à 45 euros !
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argrom le boucher
argrom le boucher

Messages : 1278
Date d'inscription : 26/01/2010
Age : 48
Localisation : St-Denis-Bovesses (Belgique)

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeVen 05 Avr 2019, 14:16

Je devrais recevoir ma commande, j'ai reçu hier confirmation de l'envoi.
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argrom le boucher
argrom le boucher

Messages : 1278
Date d'inscription : 26/01/2010
Age : 48
Localisation : St-Denis-Bovesses (Belgique)

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeVen 12 Avr 2019, 17:22

J'ai enfin reçu ma commande.


Je ferai des photos ce week-end. Je regrette de ne pas avoir pris la boite Athénienne.

Je compte traduire les règles et les cartes.
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Messages : 1087
Date d'inscription : 03/05/2016
Age : 60
Localisation : Liège Flémalle

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeSam 13 Avr 2019, 12:34

très très bonne idée !!!!
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argrom le boucher
argrom le boucher

Messages : 1278
Date d'inscription : 26/01/2010
Age : 48
Localisation : St-Denis-Bovesses (Belgique)

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeSam 13 Avr 2019, 14:13

buggy a écrit:
très très bonne idée !!!!

J'ai fait une ouverture de boite sur mon blog: [OPEN THE BOX] ESCARMOUCHES CHEZ LES GRECQUES AVEC MORTAL GODS!!!

Mais voici quelques photos:
Livret des règles

Les différents dés pour le jeu, 1 dés classique, 10 dés de combat (blanc) et 15 dés de dégâts (rouge)

Les Cartes, de Gà D: Cartes Présage, Cartes Recrutement, Cartes des Dons, et Cartes Blessure

Les Pions Actions (Rouge = Présage) (noir et blanc) c'est le même système que pour Test of Honour.


Les règles de mesure fournies avec les socles.

Les figurines promotionnel avec la préco

Le livret fourni avec la boîte pour Sparte

Les figs Métallique dans la boite de Sparte

et les 19 boucliers avec l'emblème de Sparte.
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Mig Wanzer
Mig Wanzer

Messages : 9206
Date d'inscription : 01/03/2008
Age : 38
Localisation : Près de Liège, Belgique

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeDim 14 Avr 2019, 09:36

Merci pour la présentation du matériel, c’est de la qualité! On commence à avoir pas mal de possibilités de règles pour l’antiquité en 28mm.
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Messages : 1087
Date d'inscription : 03/05/2016
Age : 60
Localisation : Liège Flémalle

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeDim 14 Avr 2019, 12:11

Bon c'est décidé ,je l'ajoute à ma liste !
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argrom le boucher
argrom le boucher

Messages : 1278
Date d'inscription : 26/01/2010
Age : 48
Localisation : St-Denis-Bovesses (Belgique)

MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitimeDim 14 Avr 2019, 12:16

Actuellement je traduis la règle de base. Pour le moment la seule chose qui se différencie avec la règle de Test Of Honour, c'est le fait de pouvoir rassembler 3 groupes (de 3 figs) d'hoplite (base triangulaire) en un seul groupe pour former une Phalange. Je n'en sais pas plus pour l'instant. Mais j'avance dans la trad.
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MessageSujet: Re: MORTAL GODS   MORTAL GODS Icon_minitime

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